Sunday, January 4, 2015

Alcatel Announces Phones Able to Run Android, Firefox OS and Windows Phone

My long awaiting request is always here, imagine a device with the capability to run multiple OPERATING SYSTEM (OS).

Most personal computers can run multiple
operating systems right out of the box.
However, things get a bit trickier when
considering smartphones. Only a few
devices can run more than one OS and this
is usually achieved through some really
advanced reverse engineering and hacking.
Alcatel, which recently acquired the Palm
brand, has started the year with a big
announcement. The OEM is going to release
its new Pixi 3 phone series able to run three
operating systems independently: Android,
Windows Phone, and Firefox OS. The Pixi 3
comes in four variants: three LTE models

with 4, 4.5 and 5 inches in size respectively,
and one with a 3.5-inch display and 3G
connectivity. The smallest handset should
have only one operating system to select.
The hardware specs for these wallet-friendly
phones from Alcatel remains unknown.
Although we don’t expect to see the
Qualcomm Snapdragon 810, these phones
will still become solid mid-range devices.
Alcatel’s goal is standardizing the user
experience for users, who can now have
their favorite operating system on all of their
commonly used devices.
Alcatel definitely has experience with every
operating system, however, it’s uncertain
exactly how this company will deliver the
different operating systems to users.
Nonetheless, we are excited to find out more,
as the new phones will officially be unveiled
at the upcoming CES 2015.

Source: xda portal

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